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قیر 6070
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Add a product in Baramen’s wholesale store

This guide will teach you how to effectively add a product to Baramen’s wholesale store with this step-by-step tutorial.

Upon completing the product registration process, your product will be seamlessly integrated into the Baramen store, as demonstrated below.

Product Preview on Baramen

Steps for Adding a Product in Baramen's Wholesale Store

1- User Registration: Begin by registering on the website to obtain your unique username and password.

2- Accessing Your User Panel: Log in using your credentials to access your user panel.

Dashboard Page

3- Select Seller OptionIn your user menu (on the left side of the page), Choose the “seller” option, followed by “Add product” from the sub-menu under the store menu.

Add Product in Baramen's wholesale store

4- Product’s general Information: Provide the necessary details including:

  • Register Type: Specify the registration type (Individual, Store, or Company). To register a product under your store or company name, it’s essential to first provide all necessary store or company information within your account settings.
  • Product Title: Enter a descriptive title for your product. Typically, the product title includes the product’s name and some of its distinguishing features. For example: Samsung A14 mobile phone with 64 GB capacity and 4 GB RAM, two SIM cards – black
  • Category: In this field, various industry and product groups are presented. Select the appropriate category  for your product.
  • Brand: specify the brand (you can enter the information in the local language or in the original language of the brand).
  • Producer country: This refers to the country where the product is manufactured or produced.

  • Origin country: Origin country: This refers to the location where the product is currently available and where its sales originate. For instance, a Samsung mobile phone may be manufactured in Korea but sold by the seller in Turkey

  • Minimum order: Minimum order: Specify the minimum quantity that you, as a wholesale seller, can provide in a purchase order. Please note that buyers cannot place an order for less than this minimum quantity.

  • Unit: Unit: Here, select the unit of measurement for your product. The chosen unit indicates how your product is counted, such as pieces, cartons, boxes, denim, grams, rolls, etc. If your preferred unit of measurement is not listed, please select the ‘Other’ option. In the additional description field that appears, specify your preferred unit.

  • Description: Enter a detailed description of your product in this section.

  • Color selection: Click the [+] button to add colors and their titles.
  • Model: In this section, click on the [+] button to open a field where you can enter your product model. If your product has multiple models with the same price, you can add them by clicking the [+] button again. If the price of your product varies based on the model, add each variation as a new product.

After completing this section, click the ‘Next’ button to proceed to the ‘Product Content’ tab.

5- Product Content:

Upload images and video clips to introduce your product. The first image or video uploaded will be displayed first. Each image or video clip should not exceed 5 MB. Click ‘Add More…’ to upload additional images or videos.

Add pictures- Product Content

After uploading your product images, click on the ‘Next’ button to proceed to the next page. You can also return to the previous tab by clicking the back button.

6- Product Prices:

In this section, you can define pricing options for buyers based on different order quantities, prices, and preparation times.

You can specify whether the number of orders is limited or unlimited, and set different preparation times and prices for each option. Each time you define an order quantity, preparation time, and price and click the ‘Add range’ button, a new interval will be added to the table at the bottom of the page. You can define multiple order quantity-price intervals as needed.

Setting the global price in dollars is mandatory. If you wish to specify the local price of the product, select your desired currency (e.g., INR) from the local currency section and enter the amount in the respective field.

The maximum order quantity can be limited or unlimited. If you don’t want to set a maximum order value for the last interval you define, leave the maximum field empty. In this case, the value of the last interval will be considered as unlimited.

For example:

  • For the first range (50 to 200 orders), specify a preparation time of 2 days and set the price of each product at 100 USD and 4,000 INR. Note that the minimum quantity in the first range is determined in the General Information tab, and users cannot place orders for quantities less than this amount.
  • For the second range (201 to 500 orders), require a preparation time of 5 days and set the price of each product at 95 USD and 3,800 INR.
  • For the third range (more than 501 orders), specify a preparation time of 5 days and set the price of each product at 90 USD and 3,700 INR.

7- Additional information:

In this section, you can provide detailed specifications of your product, including materials, dimensions, and any included items.

In the title field, enter the topic related to the product, such as material, accessories, dimensions, etc. In the description field, provide a detailed description related to the product.

You can add as many fields as needed by clicking on “Add more information.”

Once you’ve finished, click the “Next” button to proceed to the next step.

Product's Additional Information

8- Pack Details:

In this section, you can specify the dimensions of the smallest packaging for your product, including width, length, height, weight, and the number of products in each package.

Once you’ve entered the necessary information, click the “Next” button to proceed to the final step.

Pack details

9- Global Trade:

If you intend to present your product internationally, please complete this section. Otherwise, you can proceed by clicking the “Add item” button to successfully register your product on the site.

In this segment, please ensure to complete the following details: Incoterms, HS Code, indicate if the product poses any hazards by ticking the appropriate box and providing a brief explanation in the description field, and if your item requires specific temperature conditions, check the special temperature box and specify both the minimum and maximum temperatures (in degrees Celsius).


By clicking the “Add Item”, your product will seamlessly join the Baramen store. For make  any  edits to your product detailsnavigate to your user dashboard, click on the “Seller” section in the right-hand menu, then select “Store” and choose “Manage Products” from the submenu. Click on the pencil icon next to your product to edit its information.

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