Submitting Price Quotations for Purchase Requests (RFQs) in the Baramen Supply Market
How to Submit Price Quotations for Supply Requests (RFQs) in the Baramen Supply Market
To submit price quotations and invoices for customer purchase requests in the Baramen Supply Market, please follow the steps below:
Step 1: Access the Supply Market and Choose the Desired Request
To access the Baramen Supply Market, ensure you have a registered Baramen account and have selected the seller role. For further details, please refer to the “Baramen Account” link.
Once logged in, you can browse and select supply requests in the following ways:
1- View the Latest Supply Requests: On the homepage, navigate to the “Supply Request” section, where a blue box displays the most recently posted purchase requests. Click on your preferred request to access the invoice completion page.

2. View All Supply Requests: In your “My office” page, select the “RFQ Marketplace” option from the left-hand menu under the Store section. This will display a table of all registered requests on the platform. Click on the desired request to access the invoice completion page.

Step 2: Complete the Invoice Details

When filling out the price quotation form, please pay attention to the following points:
Communication with the Customer: Before finalizing the transaction, you can click the “Contact User” button to initiate a chat with the buyer via Baramen. This allows you to discuss order specifics, shipping methods, payment options, and any other relevant details. Once an agreement is reached, you can proceed to send the invoice.
Proposed Price: Enter your final price based on the customer’s request and the specified destination. Please note that Baramen does not charge any commission from buyers or sellers for completed transactions on the platform.
Currency: Select your preferred currency for the transaction.
Payment Method: Choose your desired payment method from the options provided. For a secure purchasing experience, we recommend utilizing Baramen’s secure payment gateway. If the payment is processed through Baramen, the order amount will be held in escrow until the order process and delivery are completed.
Delivery Date: Specify the date on which the goods will be delivered to the buyer.
Additional Details: Provide any other relevant information regarding the invoice in this section.
- Submission Deadline: In the purchase request information section, the submission deadline indicates the date by which you must submit your invoice. After this date, the purchase request will be marked as inactive.
After completing all the invoice details, click the “Submit” button to send your invoice to the customer.
Step 3: Invoice Review by the Buyer
In the Baramen Supply Market, all sellers have the opportunity to submit proposals for purchase requests. After thoroughly reviewing, negotiating, and comparing different offers, the buyer will either approve or reject your invoice. Both parties can communicate seamlessly through the Baramen chat feature.
Step 4: Payment for the Transaction
At this stage, the buyer is required to make the payment for the invoice according to the selected payment method.
Step 5: Payment Confirmation and Order Preparation
If you utilize Baramen’s secure payment gateway, a payment confirmation will be sent to you immediately after the transaction is completed. The order status will then automatically change to “Order Preparation.”
If a payment method other than Baramen’s secure gateway is used, the seller must confirm the payment after the buyer approves the transaction amount. Subsequently, the seller should update the order status to “Order Preparation.” Once payment is confirmed, the order status will reflect that it is being prepared.
Step 6: Shipping the Goods
After preparing the order and readying the goods for dispatch, click the “Ship Goods” button.
Step 7: Receipt of Goods by the Buyer
Upon delivery, the buyer must confirm the delivery date and verify the physical condition of the items against the invoice details.
If Baramen’s secure payment gateway is used, the order amount (without deductions) will be transferred to the seller’s account once the buyer confirms receipt of the goods.
Step 8: Order Completion - Leave Feedback and Rating
After the order is completed, click the “Complete Process” button to finalize the transaction in your Baramen account history.
We encourage you to leave feedback and a rating regarding the buyer’s performance, as this will help other users and contribute to the improvement of the overall process.